
Friday, March 8, 2013

Selecting Your Courses
     Recommended Classes for College Success
The academic rigor of your high school courses is an important factor in high school courses is an important factor in the college admission process. College admission officers see your high school course schedule as a blueprint of your education.
They’re looking for a solid foundation of learning that you can build on in college.
To create that foundation, take at least five solid academic classes every semester. Start with the basics and then move on to advanced courses. Challenging yourself is a part of what makes school fun; but you need a firm grasp on the fundamentals before going on to more advanced work.
             CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Power of Study Groups

Part 4

Getting the Most Out of a Session

Here are some tips to help you group get the most out of each study session:

·         Decide what you’re going to do in advance

·         Prepare for the session, so you can make the most of your time together.

·         Take turns teaching, to reinforce your own knowledge.

·         Stick to the session topic.

By supplementing your individual study with a group, you can reinforce what you’ve learned, deepen your understanding of complex concepts, and maybe even make a few new friends. Remember that a friend is a person who encourages you to do your best and to achieve on a high level, one who pushes you to try a little harder and be a litter better. If someone pulls you down the wrong trails of life, then those people are not friends, (they are actually your enemies), and you must avoid them at all cost. Whoever said learning can’t be fun? Learning is enjoyable and exciting when you study with others.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Goals get an A+ or a B + 
2.always choose the right
3. come on time to school my classwork and homework
5. follow all directions 
6. do all my work 
7. be respectful to teachers    

The power of study groups
Part 1
Working together helps everyone
You may have notice that when you’re explaining something you’ve learned to a friend, you begin to understand it betters yourself. This happens because because when you explain an idea you need to think more deeply about it.
The same principle makes study groups useful. Studying with others in a small group is helpful because you:
·        Think out loud
·        Share ideas
·        Learn from one another.
In an effective study group you and other students hash out lesson materials together-explain concepts, arguing about them, figuring out why one person’s answer differs from another’s-and I the progress, you most likely learn more than you would have studying by yourself.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Walk the Talk!
Reflection: Do what you say so you can be reliable. 
Its not so hard to "practice what you preach." Its not 
so hard its pretty simple once you get used to it 
because you will get used to do the right thing over 
and over again.

How to take on college studying
Part 3
Do the reading
You need to do more than just read the chapters you are assigned---- you’re expected to understand them thoroughly. Here are some tips:
·       Don’t skim. read all the material carefully.
·       Break up difficult assignments into sections you can digest---- chapters, subsections or even paragraphs.
·       Look up any words that you don’t understand.
·       Pause to think whether you understand the material; ask questions in class about anything that is unclear.
·       Take notes instead of highlighting---- this make you think through and rephrase the key points.
·       Create a summary sheet of what you learned from each assignment you read.
Choose the Right